Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chelsea's Vegan Blueberry Pancakes

Hello my sweets. Wow, this has been a very time consuming semester, and I know I have studied to the max because I find myself running English and Spanish into the same sentence. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be glad to have this one behind me. So sorry that it has taken a while to create this post, but, for you vegan's and carnivore's alike, this is a keeper for all!

I absolutely LOVE pancakes, as a matter of fact, I could eat them everyday and never grow tired of them. They really seem to be a great form of sustainable energy for my body. I will always eat these about 2 hours before a long run and I am good to go!

After listening to my body, I think that becoming a stricter vegetarian is the next step for me.

So, without further ado, I introduce to you

C-Belle's Vegan Blueberry Pancakes


1 1/2 whole grain spelt flour ( I also used quinoa flour, worked just fine)

1/2 cup of oat bran

1/2 cup wheat bran/ wheat germ ( so good for you full of enzymes vitamin e and vitamin b)

1/2 tsp of sea salt

1 tsp of baking soda

2 cups of soy, rice, or coconut milk. ( I love the coconut milk because it is awesome)

Extra virgin coconut oil for cooking ( you can use vegetable oil if you need)

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

tsp. of vanilla extract

tsp. of cinnamon

dash of nutmeg

Grade B maple syrup

Prep Work:

In a bowl stir together spelt or quinoa flour, oat bran, wheat bran, baking soda, and salt. Add whatever milk you end up using and stir together until well combined. Add blue berries or whatever kind of fruit you want. I get creative with it. Sometimes I just add whatever is in the fruit bowl ( I mean, within reason of course).

Heat cast iron skillet with oil over medium heat until you have it hot, but not scorching hot, then turn down just a tad to keep the cakes from overcooking.

Drop about 1/4 of batter into the skillet, and cook the pancakes unitl you see little bubbles start to come through, for the most part, that is when it is safe to flip. Flip and cook until the under side is light golden brown. I kind of like my pancakes to be slightly undone in the middle, so cook however it is your favorite.

Repeat process with the rest of the batter.

Heat oven barely to throw the pancakes on a baking sheet to keep warm, because pancakes are a time consuming business.

Serve with real maple syrup, and I love to eat them with strawberries, and raspberries over the top.

Guys, enjoy these yummy treats. I can't wait to post my favorite coconut bar recipe ever! That will be next time.

Until then, put some love in that tum!

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